Boston and NYC advice?

So, we're finally taking the baby on an east coast tour to meet our friends and see some proper cities in what I like to call Madame Live! 2005. It should be a fun time, checking out our old stomping grounds now with a 9 month year old baby in tow, but I have a few city-related questions. And who better to ask than the brilliant MDD readers out there? (OK. Enough sucking up, but seriously thanks for reading.)

  • Does anyone have any suggestions for good baby-friendly restaurants in Boston and NYC? I'm not particularly worried, we take her out with us all the time to all kinds of places, but it's always good to know about good restaurants people have had good experiences at with their baby.
  • Any suggestions of places we should check out (particularly in Manhattan) while we're there is also appreciated. I wanted to check out the new MOMA, but I heard it's still a really long wait to get in. Is it worth it or should we wait until our next visit?
  • What do people do about cabs in NYC? Do they just not take them with the baby? I'm assuming this is the case, as it's kind of hard to bring the Britax around with you everywhere you go. If this is the case, is there any stroller-on-the-subway advice anyone has?