Rediscovering the swing.

SwingOnce Madame could sit up on her own and play, the Fisher Price Aquarium Wonders swing I loved so much got relegated to the corner. Then once I got her a "stationary entertainer" the swing was completely forgotten. But yesterday during an early evening freak out, I went to the old stand-by and damn if it didn't work. I put her in the swing, turned it on and she instantly calmed down. And after 10 minutes or so she took a quick disco nap, just like she used to a few months ago. If I had my act together that swing would have been in storage a few weeks ago, but now it's not going anywhere.

If I had to pick one optional baby thing that has been the most useful these past seven months, this is far and away it.

Get the Ocean Wonders Aquarium Swing for $91.99 from Amazon via the Modern Day Dad Store.